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Head of Strategic Communications
T: 01293 205335
M: 07741 384460

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Media Relations Manager
T: 01293 205336
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As the Charitable Trust continues to develop and make a real impact, we’ve appointed a dedicated manager, to help strengthen and widen the scope of the work of the Trust. Step forward Nicola Sinclair, who took up the role in autumn 2014.

Nicola’s knowledge and understanding of the construction industry, built up over her 11 years as a Relationship Manager with B&CE, made her the ideal candidate for the role.

To find out a bit more about Nicola, and what the future holds for the Trust, we invited her to answer a few questions.

Nicola, what attracted you to the role of Charitable Trust Manager?

“My key reason for applying for the role was that being the Charitable Trust Manager can enable me to make a real difference in people’s lives – I feel passionate about helping others. B&CE’s Board want much more focus on the Trust going forward, and I really wanted to be a part of that.”

What are you enjoying so far?

“It’s early days…but I am enjoying engaging with key stakeholders within the construction industry, developing the existing relationships the Trust has with organisations which apply to it and finding out who else is out there that we can partner with.”

And what are you looking forward to most?

“I really enjoy meeting people and understanding how their businesses and organisations work – this is what I was doing as a Relationship Manager. I enjoyed finding out what B&CE had to offer companies to meet their needs. But then I was helping with auto-enrolment – in my new role it is, of course, to do with the Trust. As Charitable Trust Manager, I will get to meet a more diverse range of individuals, from businesses and organisations, and from other charities. And all the time I will be helping the Charitable Trust to make a positive difference to people in the construction industry, suffering hardship or needing funding for education, training and retraining.”

Why is the Charitable Trust so important to B&CE?

“B&CE and the Trustees are very clear that it is important that we continue to give back to the industry on which B&CE’s strength has been built – the construction industry we have served for over 70 years. More recently we have branched out, with the creation of the highly successful ‘The People’s Pension’, to help companies in any sector with auto-enrolment. But we want to make sure we don’t forget our roots – that we keep continuing to give back to the industry on which our success has been built.”

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the Charitable Trust?

“As we strengthen the Trust, widen its scope and publicise our work, we expect that applications will increase. So I think the biggest challenge will be in making sure that as applications increase, the processes we have in place to deal with them continue to be effective and are focused on helping potential beneficiaries. This will mean that the grants and donations will continue to be paid out quickly, to deserving and worthy causes. And applicants will continue to feel that they are being listened to, and that their experience with the Trust is positive.”

What do you think the Charitable Trust’s focus will be next year?

“On creating new initiatives in the construction industry. While we will continue to support the types of organisations we have in the past, we would like to develop new relationships with other organisations and worthy causes that are out there.”

Can you sum up the Charitable Trust in three words?

“Making a difference.”

What do you do in your free time outside of work?

“What free time? With two kids, two dogs, and studying for a Business Management degree, I don’t really have any! But I like it that way!”

One last message for our B&CE customers?

“Part of the Trust’s objectives is to help support individuals in times of need and also with education, training or re-training. If you are an employer or organisation and know of someone, or an initiative, in need of the Trust’s support, we would like to speak to you: please call 0300 2000 555.”