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Nearly two thirds (64%) of construction workers, who took part in a survey from the B&CE Charitable Trust1, don’t think enough is being done to attract young people or new talent into the industry.

The poll, conducted by YouGov2, also shows that nearly 8 in 10 (79%) of all non-construction workers and 72% of those surveyed who work in construction believe that jobs in the sector are mainly targeted at men.

However, of the construction workers surveyed, nearly two thirds (64%) disagree that there are few opportunities for university graduates in the construction sector 63% agree that jobs in the construction sector offer good career progression and nearly 7 in 10 (69%) say that jobs in the industry are generally well paid.

More than a third (35%) of construction workers surveyed say that jobs within their sector are not secure, while nearly 4 in 10 (39%) admitted that working in the industry had negatively impacted their mental health in the last twelve months; the same level as those working in non-construction jobs.

Overall, 74% of construction workers surveyed would recommend their industry to others while 7 out of 10 (70%) said construction was a desirable industry to work in.

The release of the findings coincides with the launch of the £20,000 Mowlem Award 20223, which is given to a project or organisation that can demonstrate a commitment to health and safety and training within construction. Last year’s winner was Construction Youth Trust4, which impressed judges with its new Further Education Transitions Programme.  This includes health and safety in a construction environment training, and the opportunity for up to 100 young trainees to take that first step towards a career within the industry.

Nicola Sinclair, the Head of B&CE Charitable Trust, said: “While there is so much in construction to be hugely proud of, our new study highlights areas of genuine concern for those at the heart of our great industry.

“B&CE Charitable Trust has a long and proud history of supporting projects and organisations that champion top class training and protecting the welfare of construction workers.

“The Mowlem Award has helped to fund various worthwhile projects which have enhanced life within the industry.”

The deadline for applications to the Mowlem Award is Thursday 20 October at 5pm, find out more and apply here:

Notes to editors:

  1. B&CE’s Charitable Trust was set up in 1991 to give back to the construction industry by providing help for people working in construction in times of need, including grants towards education, financial support and retraining. It has given out millions in charitable donations. It is based at B&CE’s headquarters in Manor Royal, Crawley.
  2. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc.  Total sample size was 2,012 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th – 26th August 2022.  The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of British business size.
  3. Launched in 2015, the Mowlem Award furthers the work of the RI Beck Trust – a charity set up in 1983 by the construction company, Mowlem. The annual £20,000 grant is awarded to organisations that can demonstrate they will make a real difference towards training or the promotion of health and safety in construction.
  4. Construction Youth Trust’s mission is to inspire and support young people to achieve their full career potential in the Construction and Built Environment sector. Social mobility is at the heart of their work and Construction Youth Trust prioritise supporting the hardest to reach young people.